Important points that programmers should remember while developing web application

There are a lot points to be considered but some of them I am writing here:

1. Do some R & D about the business logic and make a plan on how you will implement it before you start writingthe code.
2. Should write codes in an easy, understandable and maintainable way.
3. Make sure you are developing an application with a consistent look and feel.
4. Should follow OOPs.
5. Exercise best practices that are established in the industry.
6. Maintain the Naming convention.
7. Transaction should be used properly and wherever necessary.
8. Remember the concurrency issue while coding.
9. Validation should be checked properly. It should be done at the client side as far as possible.
10. User or role based permission should be implemented properly so that the user is not able to do anything if not permitted.
11. Should write comments wherever necessary.
12. Should be aware about the security of application and database.
13. Write fewer codes but efficient enough that does more jobs. Do re-factor wherever possible.
14. Think about the performance of your code.
15. Make use of the client side Ajax.
16. Beware of the hacking options such as SQL Injection, Cross Site Scripting etc.
17. Should do paging on the database end where the data is more than 20 in grid.
18. Lessen the use of Session and ViewState.
19. Do caching wherever possible.
20. Always check the existence of an object before accessing it.
21. Be careful about the exception handling.
22. Write an error log to identify errors.
23. Make sure you dispose large objects.
24. Grid should have an SL column.
25. Dropdown or the combo values should be in a specific order.
26. Remove unnecessary code and comments from your page.
27. Set a title in each page. Don't keep it like an Untitled Page.
28. Include the search option when data is more than 100 records in a page.
29. Use Namespace properly for pages and code files.
30. Show short and friendly error message to user but long error details.
31. Do not have more than one class in a single class.
32. Please write the copy right and the author information at the top of each file.
33. Avoid unnecessary round trips to the database server. You can use batch SQL statement to reduce the round trips.
34. Use light weight controls. And choose controls carefully for your page.
35. Make your database normalized.
36. Make sure your queries are optimized.
37. Always deploy release build of your application.
38. Use release build and minimized version of any third party controls used.
39. Deploy your application on the staging first and do all the testing in the staging.
40. Before the deployment in production make sure necessary configuration and changes have been done properly,if needed, for example, setting up a new encryption key, encrypting sensitive information and setup application settings information etc.
41. Develop a way to notify users with friendly messages while doing some changes or maintenance task after deployment.
42. Make sure to check that all the major functionality is working properly after deployment.

There are some ways you can "store" knowledge for further revisions:
Repetition Once can be fleeting. Seeing the 100th occurrence makes a difference!
Memory by fingers - I remember the codes much better when I've actually typed it a few times.
Code Library - Keep a personal stash of codes and tricks you have used and seen.
Centralization - I keep 1 file with all my usernames (hundreds) in 1 pc. And I apply security to it.
Discipline - you mentioned of not having time / making the effort to update your own blog, etc. For that, you just have to work harder on it and make sure you do it.
Acceptance - skills, techniques and things you learned last week will be fresh in your mindWhereas some of the items you learned say 3 years ago will be hard to remember. This is normal as the brain continuously makes room for more.
Multiple senses - sometimes I use mnemonics, sometimes I drop a picture with key concepts drawn in distinctive ways. I read, I listen to podcasts, I watch videos, I use color in editors etc. The more sense I use the better.
Mnemonics, e.g. css border order Tarball (TaRBalL) TopRightBottomLeft. I also use colors and shapes to rememberthe words and themes. Often, more bizarre it is, the more memorable!
Continued Use - This is the 'use it or lose it' effect. All knowledge fades over time. Time++ Fade++
The Stack Exchange Network - I use the Stack Overflow in multiple areas to try and keep as many different skills and techniques 'current' and 'remembered' as possible even if I'm not using them in my current job/project.
Dropbox - I maintain common small files that have memory related items.
Books - I still like the look and feel of the physical books. I also have other on-line technical books that I can refer to, anywhere. Obviously my technical library can also be accessed anywhere, when it is digital, which is huge.


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