
Showing posts from August, 2017

Sort Map by Keys.

import java . util . HashMap ; import java . util . Map ; import java . util . TreeMap ; public class SortByKeyExample1 { public static void main ( String [ ] args ) { Map < String , String > unsortMap = new HashMap < String , String > ( ) ; unsortMap . put ( "Z" , "z" ) ; unsortMap . put ( "B" , "b" ) ; unsortMap . put ( "A" , "a" ) ; unsortMap . put ( "C" , "c" ) ; unsortMap . put ( "D" , "d" ) ; unsortMap . put ( "E" , "e" ) ; unsortMap . put ( "Y" , "y" ) ; unsortMap . put ( "N" , "n" ) ; unsortMap . put ( "J" , "j" ) ; unsortMap . put ( "M" , "m" ) ; unsortMap . put ( "F" , "f" ) ; System . out . pr...

Skype Hidden Commands

Command Description /add [Skype Name] Adds a contact to the chat. For instance:  /add alex_cooper1  will add that member to the chat. Some Skype names also begin with "live:" (example:  live:alex_cooper1 ) /alertson [text] Allows you to specify what needs to appear in a chat for you to be notified. For example,  /alertson London  will only alert you when the word "London" appears in the chat. /alertsoff Disable message notifications. /find [text] Finds specific text in a chat. For example,  /find Charlie  will return the first instance of the word "Charlie" in the chat. /get admins Details the people administrating the chat. /get options Details active options for current chat - see /set options below for a list of the options available. /get role Details your role in the chat. /showmembers Displays list of members and their roles. /get uri Creates a URL link that other people can use to...

How to get liferay portlet or theme or hook war file name?

War file name would be generated using following steps: firstPart _ WAR _ secondPart First Part - can be found in liferay-display.xml file within your portlet or theme or hook from <portlet id=" firstPart "></portlet> Second Part - you can get from Liferay home -> tomcat -> ROOT -> < Your Project Folder Name >. Just remove hyphen (-) and underscores from name.

Some awesome references for learning programming languages / frameworks.

Following are the youtube channels that I prefer to learn something new about programming languages / frameworks, this may help you in some way. DURGA EDUCATION Durga Software Solutions edureka! in28minutes java9s Java Brains Java By Kiran - Java and Selenium Learn English with Let's Talk - Free English Lessons Telusko Learnings MIT OpenCourseWare Navin Reddy Following are some sites that I prefer for theory part about programming languages / frameworks. Following are some sites that I prefer for tutorials about programming languages / frameworks.