
Showing posts from February, 2016

Liferay interview questions...

Liferay Questions:- Role of structure and template ? Can we create the template without structure? What is LDAP configuration in liferay ? What is LDAP configuration in liferay ? Where do you config the database settings ? Explain class scheduler in Liferay ? mail functionality ? service builder ? which classes  are generated after build the services ? local serviceIMPL class in liferay wt is purpose of  that ? what is assest publisher ? what is difference b/w liferay generic portlet and MVC portlet ? what is lifeay schdular ? what is liferay instance ? from action to render how to pass the parameter ? which method do we use from action to rendor? what is serveResource method() ? If u have 3 differen public pages  like welcome1,welcome2,weclome3 by default login portlet is there with out adding login portlet to every page each and every page of my community login page should be there. Java Basic Questions:- main concepts of oops what is...